Looking for QuickBooks Enterprise common error and troubleshooting steps? We are here to discuss the several errors that occur in QuickBooks Enterprise while using. Read the article to know the details about errors their causes and different methods to fix them in easy steps with specific conditions mentioned. For more info contact our QuickBooks ProAdvisor toll-free: +1-844-405-0904
Sometimes, users face several errors while using this software. Here in this article, we are going to tell you about QuickBooks Enterprise Common Errors and how to fix them. These errors are:
- some are functional
- some configuration related
- several servers related and
- several are data-related issues.
QB Enterprise is a slightly complex application and the complexity stands that QuickBooks is prone to have several errors. After lots of research work, we have gathered some of the most common QuickBooks problems which are faced by users daily.
Table of Contents
QuickBooks Enterprise Common Error list
QuickBooks Enterprise Error 3371
Enterprise error code 3371 will encounter when your company files, information, or license data get corrupted, missing, or damaged. This error code can also occur when during the process of cloning the data on the c:/ local drive to another new hard drive. This error also occurs when you open QuickBooks for the first time and it shows the error message “could not initialize license properties. Error3371: QuickBooks couldn’t load the license data”.
QuickBooks Error H202 H505:

QuickBooks Error code H202 occurs when someone tries to open or work with a company file; which is located on another computer. That particular computer needs additional installation setup or this issue occurs when “the system where QuickBooks company file is located that system needs additional configuration setup due to security parameters or damaged files”.
QuickBooks Enterprise Error 15215:
Enterprise Error code 15215 is caused by an improper configuration of Microsoft Internet Explorer. To save and secure your computer and its information. QuickBooks makes try to authenticate the digital signature on all files that are downloaded through the program. If it is unable to verify the digital signature of a file that you simply are attempting to download this error can occur.
QuickBooks Error 6177
QuickBooks Error 6177 can occur while working and shows the message “QuickBooks is attempting to open this company file”. It indicates that your Quickbooks is unable to find the path to the company file and it generally occurs when used in multi-user mode. Error code 6177 is a pop-up on the desktop while you are trying to access the company file.

It cause due to many reasons:
- Sometimes it causes due to deleting the QuickBooks-supported file by mistake.
- It also occurs when the file path is corrupted.
- If your file is being attacked by some virus like Trojan.
- Error 6177 also occurs if your company file is transferred to another system.
Quickbooks Error 6129
Sometimes you may face QuickBooks error 6129 while accessing the company’s financial records and failing to verify the database connection. It always happens that if you confront Quickbooks error 6129 then you are not able to view the company file due to losing the connection to the server. It can occur anytime while working on the company file due to network problems used by the software that restricts the server that holds the file. This error also arises when there is a difference between the client and the server domain.
QuickBooks Error Code 80029c4a:
Error Code 80029c4a will occur when any anti-virus has marked QuickBooks software as a virus. And also it appears during the program installation, window start, shut down, or installation of the operating system.
QuickBooks Error 99001
The QuickBooks error 99001 occurs when the user tries to open the company file (.Qbw) in the multi-user mode. You need to fix this error as soon as possible to avoid any data loss and further damage. Let’s discuss, how to fix this error.
Causes of QuickBooks Error (-99001,-6073)
- Someone else is accessing the company file on another system in the single-user mode at the same time.
- The company files you trying to open are located in the read-only network folder.
- The Linux server on which the records are hosted is using multiple sign-in credentials for login into the shared folder.
- Any user accessing the documents using the remote operating system (LogMeIn, GoToMyPC, or more) and the host system finds out that the user is still logged in.
Solutions to Fix QuickBooks Error (99001, -6073)
According to the different conditions, you can implement any of the following troubleshooting methods to fix error 6073. You have to fix the error quickly, otherwise, it may lead to data loss.
Solution 1: Use QuickBooks File Doctor to fix the error code (6073,-99001)
First, update QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise to the latest version and then install and run QuickBooks File Doctor to fix the QB error 6073.
Solution 2: Resolve QuickBooks error 6073 Manually
Condition 1: If the user opens the QuickBooks Company files on another system in Single-user mode.
- First of all, close the QuickBooks software on all the systems.
- Then, on the host computer, open the QuickBooks company file.
- Next, from the top menu bar click on the File menu and then select the Switch to Multi-user Mode option.
- If you are still facing the error then restart all the systems or follow the next solution.
Condition 2: If the QuickBooks company file is open in the Single-user mode on the host computer
- Go to the top menu bar and then click on the File menu and then select the Close Company option.
- After that, re-open the QuickBooks company file.
- Again, go to the File menu from the top bar and then select the Open or Restore Company File option.
- Then, open a company file and select Next.
- Last, select your QuickBooks company file and then open it in the Multi-user mode.
Condition 3: If the QuickBooks company file is located in the Read-only folder.
- First, open the host system.
- In the host computer, open the folder in which your company file is located.
- Then, go to the folder’s Properties by right-clicking on the folder.
- In the Properties folder, open the Security tab and then select the user who is facing the login error and then select the Edit option.
- Then, select Allow and apply the changes you made, and then OK.
Condition 4: If the user is accessed the file using the remote operating system (LogMeIn, GoToMyPC, etc.)
- First of all, open the Task Manager. You can do this by right-clicking on the Taskbar.
- Then, select the Processes option and here you need to check if there are any processes running under the username that is facing the error.
- If you find any process, then you need to reboot the system.
Solution 3: Fix the damaged or corrupted Network Data File
- First, go to the Windows Start menu and then open the Windows File Explorer.
- Here, you have to search the QuickBooks company files folder.
- Then, right-click on the company file with the network data and (.Qbw) file extension.
- You need to change the file extension to .ndold
- After that, open the QuickBooks company file. (NOTE: By doing this, QuickBooks will create a new Network Data file for the company file.)
Solution 4: When Network Data Files and Transactions Log Files are marked as hidden files
- First, go to My Computer<Tools<Folders option.
- Here, open the View tab and then select the Hidden files & folders option.
- Then, to see the network data files and transaction log files, you need to open the Data folder.
- After that, right-click on the network data file and go to the Properties
- At last, unhide the folder and select OK.
Symptoms & Causes of Errors
Symptoms of Errors
- Software “Errors” appears and crash the active program.
- PC randomly crashes with Errors when running the same program.
- “QuickBooks Different Error Codes” is displayed.
- Your Windows responds slowly to mouse or keyboard input and runs sluggishly.
- Your system sporadically “freezes” for a few seconds at a time.
Causes of Errors:
- Corrupted downloads or incomplete installation of QuickBooks software.
- Corrupt your Windows registry from a replacement of QB software installation or changes.
- System Virus or malware infection that has corrupted Windows system files or QuickBooks- related program files.
- Another program maliciously or mistakenly deleted QuickBooks-related files.
Why this is happening:
- The company file name includes special characters.
- The backup was restored over an existing company file from a USB flash drive to a network drive.
- The backup was made in a newer version. Example: Backup was created in QuickBooks newer but you are restoring it in QuickBooks older.
- The file you are trying to restore isn’t an actual backup file.
- Your company file is damaged.
How to resolve these common QuickBooks Enterprise Errors
Make sure that your QB Desktop is up-to-date and suggested to install a newer one and running the QuickBooks File Doctor tool initially before performing any of the following steps.
QBFD: fix certain types of files and data corruption, Windows problems, Network problems, And all setups. The errors can happen on both local and network setups.
- First, you must be login as the Windows Administrate to run network diagnostics to repair and resolve the problems after that, Logged in (UAC) because the tool will be relaunched with elevated administrator privileges.
- QuickBooks File Doctor only works on .qbw(QB for window) or .qba (QB for Account) files extension.
- Repair and Network diagnosis are on by default.
- If you are troubleshooting your damaged data, It is best to move your company file to a network especially if your file is large than in size.
Solution 1: Restore Your QuickBooks Error
- First, Copy the. QBB file from the removable storage. Then, open your QuickBooks.
- Click File, then choose Open or Restore Company.
- You can Browse to the local desktop, and choose the backup file. (Click Open).
- In the Restore Company To window, browse to the local desktop and click Save.
Solution 2: To restore your backup file use ADR
If your company file is damaged or corrupted. You must use Auto Data Recovery to restore your data and always restore your backup into a new file. Don’t overwrite a previous file.
Wrapping Up!
These are some common errors of QB Enterprise and their solutions, if you are still unable to understand the process or you just need any further information related to QuickBooks or if you need any QuickBooks technical support related to this just call “+1-844-405-0904” and you’ll get instant QuickBooks Enterprise support anywhere in the USA.